Sponsored by the Department of Applied Mathematics & Statistics 

*NOTE: Innovation and Design II does not count as a technical course in Operations Research. 

To learn more about the admissions criteria for AMS-sponsored tracks, please visit the AMS website.

Any five (5) of the following courses, approved by the faculty advisor: 

553.761 Nonlinear Optimization I
553.762 Nonlinear Optimization II
553.766 Combinatorial Optimization
570.697 Risk and Decision Analysis
570.608 Uncertainty Modeling for Policy & Management Decision Making
570.495 Mathematical Foundations for Public Decision Making
553.400 Mathematical Modeling and Consulting
570.693 Economic Foundations for Public Decision Making
570.696 Urban and Environmental Systems
570.607 Energy Planning and Policy Models
553.626 Introduction to Stochastic Processes
553.627 Stochastic Processes and Applications to Finance
553.628 Stochastic Processes and Applications to Finance
553.633 Monte Carlo Methods
553.663 Network Models in Operations Research
553.639.  Time Series Analysis
553.641.  Equity Markets and Quantitative Trading
553.642.  Investment Science
553.644.  Introduction to Financial Derivatives
553.645.  Interest Rate and Credit Derivatives
553.646.  Risk Measurement/Management in Financial Markets
553.647.  Quantitative Portfolio Theory and Performance Analysis
553.648.  Financial Engineering and Structured Products 

Substitutions from this list can be made at the advisor’s discretion.