In the course Strategies for Innovation and Growth, students complete two consulting projects, one with the Johns Hopkins Hospital and a capstone project with an industry partner. By allowing students to bring the skills they have developed in the classroom to real-world engagements, these experiences are a cornerstone of the MSEM experience. Our project partners benefit from the new perspectives and technical expertise our student teams bring to the challenges their organizations face.

Project Details

Our industry partners work with teams of engineering management graduate students, overseen by a faculty member in Johns Hopkins’ Whiting School of Engineering and a second-year teaching assistant. All students have undergraduate degrees in an engineering discipline and have completed business coursework and at least one client-based project with the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Many students also have a few years of work experience.

Past projects have included the identification of new commercial applications for existing technologies, market entry and expansion strategies, feature prioritization, product pricing, competitor assessments, industry forecasting, and more.

Project partners must commit to scheduling one, one-hour meeting per week with their student consultants from mid-October through the first week of December, breaking for Thanksgiving. Industry partners also need to provide a one-pager of the project. In addition to a presentation delivered during the final progress meeting, students will prepare a comprehensive report for their clients.

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  • Partner with Us

    Want to collaborate with MSEM students to solve your organization’s challenges? Complete this form.

  • Previous Projects

    Visit our Projects Page to learn more about previous projects our MSEM students have completed.

  • The MSEM Program

    Learn more about the skills and technical expertise students master in the MSEM program.

We were extremely impressed with the team of MSEM students. They were self starters, thorough, and professional. Our experience led us to take them on as interns, and we hope to continue working with them in the future.

Natalie Draisin DADSS - Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety