MSEM Fulltime Internship Option for All Tracks

An MSEM student in any track may choose to partially fulfill their MSEM degree requirements with the Internship Option. To qualify, the internship must be:

  • full-time;
  • starting after the completion of the second semester of the program;
  • at least 3 months and no more than 6 months in duration, spanning either a spring or fall semester of study;
  • secured from an external sponsor;
  • approved by the program director;
  • overseen by a faculty advisor through EN.662.802 – MSEM Internship and Assessment; and
  • concluded with an internship report.

Any exceptions to this full-time requirement must be requested in advance and approved by the CLE Director (or designee).

In the standard Course Option for any MSEM track, the equivalent of 5 management and 5 technical courses must be taken. For the Internship Option, 5 technical courses and the equivalent of 4 management courses must be taken, and the student must complete an external internship, leading to an Internship Report. Students will be required to apply for and register for the appropriate internship course for 9 credits every semester they are engaged in the internship course, EN.662.802 – MSEM Internship and Assessment, and the non-resident status/course.

JHU Internship Advisor Requirements: The internship advisor should be a member of the CLE faculty. In some unusual cases, exceptions can be made, in which case the internship advisor must be a JHU professor holding an appointment in the Whiting School of Engineering. All internship advisors for all MSEM internships must be approved in advance by the CLE Director (or designee).

Students should start the Internship Option process early. Identifying an internship and an internship advisor, completing the Internship Mutual Work Agreement, and completing the Internship Agreement take time. You are required to submit the Internship Mutual Work Agreement and the sign Internship Agreement at least two (2) weeks before the start of the semester of the internship. It is recommended that you start identifying an internship advisor at least a month before the semester of the internship and begin the paperwork then.

To Qualify for the Internship option, MSEM students need to:

  • identify and apply for an internship on their own;
  • if selected for an internship, identify a faculty internship advisor from within the CLE faculty;
  • submit Internship Mutual Work Agreement to the Academic Staff;
  • fill out and submit an Internship Mutual Work Agreement form at least two weeks before the beginning of the internship, which must be signed by the student, the internship supervisor, the research advisor, and the CLE Director.

A student is not admitted into the Internship Option until they have submitted the Internship Mutual Work Agreement form, and that form has been approved by the program.

All international students need to work with Office of International Services (OIS) for Curricular Practical Training (CPT) approval.  Additional details about CPT can be found on the Office of International Services (OIS) website:  Complete CPT requests should be submitted to OIS at least 2 weeks before the start of the internship.  Please note that failure to comply with the CPT rules as laid out by OIS can result in loss of your F-1 status.