Students must take one course from each core area listed below, as well as two additional courses in either Core 2 or Core 3 (a total of 5 courses), to satisfy the technical coursework requirement.  

Core 1

EN.590.495 Microfabrication Laboratory. (3 credits)
*Note that this same course is also listed as EN.520.495 (undergrad version) and EN.520.773 Advanced Topics in Microsystem Fabrication (grad version). All three course numbers meet together as the same class.

Core 2

EN.171.749 Machine Learning for Physicists
EN.515.646 Artificial Intelligence Methods for Materials Science
EN.520.612 Machine Learning for Signal Processing
EN.520.637 Foundations of Reinforcement Learning
EN.520.638 Deep Learning
EN.520.640 (01) Machine Intelligence on Embedded Systems
EN.520.650 (01) Machine Intelligence
EN.520.656 Data Smoothing Using Machine Learning
EN.520.661 AI and Biometric Systems: Techniques, Applications, and Ethics
EN.520.665 Machine Perception
EN.540.605 Modern Data Analysis & ML for ChemBEs
EN.601.664 Artificial Intelligence
EN.601.675 Machine Learning
EN.601.773 (01) Machine Social Intelligence
EN.635.603 (81) AI/ML Ops
EN.705.604 (8VL) Production Artificial Intelligence (AI) Systems
EN.705.605 (8VL) Introduction to Generative AI
EN.515.646 Artificial Intelligence Methods for Materials Science
EN.540.605 Modern Data Analysis & ML for ChemBEs
EN.171.749 Machine Learning for Physicists
EN.553.636 Intro. to Data Science
AS.030.601 Statistical Mechanics (now to include AI/ML)
Engineering for Professionals Courses (two-course sequence; asynchronous online):
EN.685.621 Algorithms for data science (taken first, and followed by the three courses below)
EN.605.645 Artificial Intelligence
EN.705.601 Applied Machine Learning
EN.705.603 Creating AI-Enabled Systems

Core 3

EN.540.440 “Micro/Nanotechnology: The Science and Engineering of Small Structures”
EN.520.605 Advanced Optical and Optoelectronic Instruments and Devices
EN.520.607 Introduction to the Physics of Electronic Devices
EN.520.624 Integrated photonics: from Inverse Design to Hardware Accelerators
EN.520.644 FPGA Synthesis Lab
EN.520.668 Advanced Electronic Lab Design
EN.520.670 Photovoltaics and Energy Devices
EN.520.685 Advanced Semiconductor Devices
EN.520.691 CAD Design of Digital VLSI Systems I
BU.610.710 Sustainable Supply Chains
BU.920.606  Operations Management