Sponsored by the Center for Leadership Education.

Students must take 3 required courses, 2-3 project-based elective courses, 0-1 topical design electives (15 credits minimum). Students may take up to 2 Professional Engineering (PE) courses as permitted.

Please note that EN.663.653 is also a requirement for MSEM’s Management Track.


EN.663.653 – Innovation and Design I – 3 credits

EN.663.657 Innovation and Design II – 3 credits

EN.662.671 Action Lab – 3 credits

Project-Based Design Electives (2-3):

(Other team-based design courses may be approved by the student’s advisor on a case-by-case basis.)

Course No. Course Title Semester Credits PE
EN.520.654 Control System Design Fall 3
EN.520.657 Design of Biomedical Instruments and Systems Fall 3
EN.520.663 ECE Ideation and Design Lab* Fall & Spring 6
EN.520.738 Advanced Electronic Lab Design Spring 3
EN.530.627 Computer-Aided Design Fall / Spring 3 x
EN.530.674 Effective and Economic Design for Biomedical Instrumentation Fall 3
EN.530.721 Medical Robotics System Design Fall 3
EN.635.661 Principles of Human Computer Interaction Fall 3 x
EN.540.621 Project in Design: Pharmacodynamics Spring 3
EN.540.632 Project in Design: Pharmacokinetics Fall 3
EN.575.736 Designing for Sustainability: Applying a Decision Framework Fall 3 x
EN.575.738 Transportation, Innovation, and Climate Change Spring 3 x
EN.580.697 Biomedical Data Design* Fall 4
EN.580.638 Biomedical Data Design II* Spring 4
EN.580.771 Principles of the Design of Biomedical Instrumentation Fall 3
EN.585.702 Medical Device Innovation and Design Spring 3
EN.601.686 Machine Learning: Artificial Intelligence System Design & Development Fall 3
EN.605.768 Advanced Game Design and Development Engines Fall 3 x
EN.645.767 System Conceptual Design Fall / Spring 3 x
EN.645.768 System Design & Integration Fall / Spring 3 x
EN.655.767 Healthcare System Conceptual Design Fall / Spring 3 x
EN.655.768 Healthcare System Design & Integration Fall / Spring 3 x
EN.685.652 Data Engineering Principles and Practice Fall / Spring 3 x

* two-semester sequence

Topical Design Electives (0-1)

(Other engineering design courses may be approved by the student’s advisor on a case-by-case basis.)

Course No. Course Title Semester Credits PE
EN.510.636 Biomaterials for Cell Engineering Spring 3
EN.510.640 Stealth Science & Engineering Fall 3
EN.525.616 Communication Systems Engineering Fall / Spring 3 x
EN.525.624 Analog Electronic Circuit Design Fall / Spring 3 x
EN.525.634 High Speed Digital Design Fall / Spring 3 x
EN.525.642 FPGA Design Using VHDL Fall / Spring 3 x
EN.525.656 Antenna Design for Space Systems Spring 3 x
EN.525.658 Digital VLSI System Design Fall 3 x
EN.525.659 Mixed-Mode VLSI Circuit Design Spring 3 x
EN.525.684 Microwave Systems & Receiver Design Fall / Spring 3 x
EN.525.726 Applications of Power Electronics Design Fall 3 x
EN.525.732 Advanced Analog Electronic Circuit Design Fall / Spring 3 x
EN.525.742 System-on-a-Chip FPGA Design Laboratory Fall / Spring 3 x
EN.525.746 Image Engineering Fall / Spring 3 x
EN.525.787 Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuit Design Fall 3 x
EN.525.788 Power Microwave Monolithic Int Circuit Design Spring 3 x
EN.525.790 RF Power Amplifier Design Techniques Fall 3 x
EN.530.623 Design of Marine Robots Spring 3
EN.530.643 Fundamentals, Design Principles and Applications of Microfluidic Systems Fall 3
EN.530.691 Haptic Interface Design for Human-Robot Interaction Fall 3
EN.535.628 Computer-Integrated Design and Manufacturing Spring 3 x
EN.535.652 Thermal Systems Design and Analysis Fall 3 x
EN.535.660 Precision Mechanical Design Fall / Spring 3 x
EN.540.604 Transport Phenomena in Practice Spring 3
EN.540.614 Computational Protein Structure Prediction & Design Fall 3
EN.540.658 Modeling and Design of Sustainable Chemical Processes Spring 3
EN.540.671 Advanced Thermodynamics in Practice Spring 3
EN.540.673 Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering in Practice Spring 3
EN.540.674 Advanced Separation and Purification Processes in Practice Fall 3
EN.560.629 Preservation Engineering I: Theory and Practice Fall 3
EN.560.636 Lateral Forces: Analysis and Design of Building Structures Spr 3
EN.560.661 Additive Manufacturing and Design Fall 3
EN.570.695 Environmental Health & Engineering Systems Design Fall 3
EN.580.689 Modern Optical Microscopy: Theory and Practice Fall 3
EN.580.720 Immunomodulatory Biomaterials: Design, Synthesis, and Applications Spring 3
EN.595.793 Applied Innovation for Technical Professionals Fall 3 x
EN.601.625 Software System Design Fall 3
EN.605.607 Agile Software Development Method Fall / Spring 3 x
EN.605.615 Compiler Design with LLVM Spring 3 x
EN.605.704 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Fall / Spring 3 x
EN.605.789 Service API Design and Development Fall / Spring 3 x
EN.635.792 Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Corporate Success Fall 3 x
EN.675.622 Spacecraft Hardware Design Considerations Fall / Spring 3 x
EN.705.651 Large Language Models: Theory and Practice Fall 3 x